
Projects and collaboration

Members of the staff have participated to several projects funded by EU (e.g., NORMAH, DMU-FS, CUSTOM-FIT), National Research Ministry (e.g., V-CLOTH and DESPRO - DEsign PROsthesis), Private institutions and industrial companies.


MiSE (Ministry of Economic Development)
Economic Development–Industria 2015

I4BIO3 (Innovation for Bioengineering) – Artificial prosthesis design
Co-funded by Fondazione Cariplo (Intesa Bank)

Development of methods and tool to manage and enhance Intellectual property to improve competitiveness of SMEs
Funded by Chamber of Commerce of Bergamo

Virtual Ergonomics & Motion Capture systems for industrial applications
Funded by private companies

Development of innovative solutions for industrial products and IPR management
Funded by private company

Apeiron - Associate for Reason-Based Innovation

VK Group organized the Triz Future Conference 2010 - Bergamo (Italy)


The research group strongly co-operates with National and European companies and academics institutions. Some examples of current collaborations are:

ABB SACE and ABB, Italy
AIM, France
C3M, Slovenia
EPTA Engineering, Italy
GDM, Italy
LMS International, Belgium
Politecnico di Milano, Italy
ST Microelectronics, Italy
Tecos, Slovenia
Tenacta Group, Italy