Call For Papers
Nowadays Software Architecture is a consolidated and
necessary discipline centered on the idea of reducing
complexity in software development and evolution through
abstraction and separation of concerns. Designing software
architectures that enable provisioning and evolution of
functional requirements and exhibit a good tradeoff between
multiple quality attributes (or extra-functional requirements)
is hard and still challenging. At the same time having
adaptable software architectures able to change their topology
and behavior to overcome certain environmental situations is
still under analysis in different domains especially when they
are used to realize complex and distributed systems (i.e.,
systems of systems). The goal of the track SA-TTA is to bring
together researchers and industry R&D having the common
objective of transforming Software Architecture into a mature
discipline leveraging on both solid scientific foundations and
validated engineering methodologies and tools. SA-TTA is
focused broadly on how to address functional requirements and
quality characteristics in the design, maintenance, and
adaptation and evolution of software architectures through the
support of automated techniques and tools. Of special interest
are architecture description languages, formalisms,
techniques, methodologies, tools, and runtime environments
that support these activities, possibly exploiting
model-driven engineering principles. A special emphasis will
be put also on technical aspects of software architectures
development for specific class of software systems and
application domains.
The SA-TTA track seeks to attract scholars, researchers,
engineers, and practitioners interested in Applied Software
Architecture, namely a special emphasis will be put on
practical engineering concerns, experiences in tools
development, and applications of Software Architecture.
Specific topics include, but are not limited to:
• Architecture description languages and
component models for Software Architectures
• Architectural patterns, tactics, styles,
viewpoints, and tool support
• Software architecture modeling, analysis
methods and tools
• Software architecture and development
practices such as agile development and global
software development
• Architecture quality measures and tool
• Formal validation and verification
techniques for Software Components and Architectures
• Linking architecture to requirements and
• Testing based on Software Architecture
• Recovery of Software Architecture
• Architecture based Software Evolution and
• Model-driven methodologies and tools for
Software Architectures
• Dynamic Software Architectures
• Software Architectures for Software
Product Lines
• Software Architectures for legacy systems
and systems integration
• Software Architectures for Real-time and
Embedded Systems
• Software Architectures for Self-adaptive
• Software Architectures for Collective
Adaptive Systems
• Software Architectures for
• Software Architectures for Cloud-based
applications and services
• Software Architectures for Mobile cloud
• Software Architectures for Social
• Software Architectures for Sociotechnical
• Industrial experiments and case studies
A special emphasis will be put this year on the theme Software Architectures for Decentralized Adaptive Systems and it is planned that a certain number of contributions about this theme will be selected to submit an improved version to a special issue of the journal IET Software (to be confirmed!).
Two types of submissions are allowed: regular papers
and student research abstracts. See the
submission page for more details.