by Marco Lazzari, Alberto Betella
PDF version of the whole paper
(preprint version) is available here (86 KB).
This paper presents an experience of educational podcasting set up at the university of Bergamo (Italy), and derives from that experience some reflections upon the quality of the podcasting services, in order to promote the definition of guidelines on podcasting quality.
The aim of the paper is to foster a discussion about the quality of the podcasting services, since this topic is rather far from being deeply dealt by the literature. Web pages, scholarly papers and books about podcasting quality are very few and they are mainly concerned with recommendations about the quality of the audio (or video) files, whilst we do believe that a quality model for podcasting services should address multiple issues.
A short description of our experience shall allow us to introduce some of the most critical issues that should be taken into account by podcasters.
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Our podcasting (Pluriversiradio), which has been considered by Wikipedia the first official Italian university podcasting, was implemented by developing Podcast Generator, an open source library for building and managing podcasting services.
Podcast generator is a free PHP script released under GPL, that lets users upload media files via a web form and automatically creates rss 2.0 w3c-compliant podcast feeds, which are fully compatible with Juice and iTunes. Moreover, Podcast Generator acts as a content management system, able to manage a web site that hosts one or more podcast channels.
Besides the University of Bergamo, our software library is currently used by at least five hundred podcasting services in Italy and abroad.
Once the beta release of Podcast Generator has been delivered (March 2006), we have built Pluriversiradio as a web site to collect podcasts and to provide web surfers with the proper feeds for getting files from their podcast aggregators.
Pluriversiradio has been used during the second semester of the academic year 2005-2006 for courses on multimedia communication at the Faculty of Arts and Literature of the University of Bergamo; after that first experiments, other colleagues began recording podcasts for their students. Podcasts on Pluriversiradio can be classified as belonging to several different categories, according to their content and destination, such as Computer science, Anthropology, Tourism, Interview, Lesson, Workshop, and so on. For each category, a specific feed does exist for aggregators and a specific view on the database is available from the web site.
At the present time we are working to develop an ontology of podcast objects, developed in OWL using Protégé, in order to allow enriching each podcast with meta-descriptions suitable to be shared with software tools that could extend the poor access facilities currently provided by the aggregators (e.g. for creating “playlists”).
The development and management of an educational podcasting service led us to face the problem of the quality of the podcasts and of the service itself. Unfortunately, the literature provides little help on the subject: currently available guidelines highlight the importance of good quality recording and the relevance of the bandwidth, but a really applicable quality model does not exist.
Moreover, we underline that the aforementioned requirements, even if they are in some way “user-centered”, are rather general and do not take into account that different podcasts could have different audiences.
In our experience, we have to consider that our typical audience is mainly composed by students belonging to three different categories:
Moreover, the academic environment suggests different ways to manage the podcasting, that can be used for recording lessons, but also workshops, conferences, discussions, interviews, and also for training students, who can produce podcasts by themselves as a part of their assignments.
On the ground of such experience we wish to address the attention to some attributes that should be taken into account for developing high quality podcasting services - we have identified three main attributes, each of them has two main subcategories, each subcategory has its own attributes that should be taken into account:
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6. J. Caylor: 10 Podcasting Quality Tips. (2005).
7. Z. Cebeci, and M. Tekdal: Using Podcasts as Audio Learning Objects. Interdisciplinary Journal of Knowledge and Learning Objects, 2 (2006).
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9. C. Crawford, R.A. Smith, and M.S. Smith: Podcasting in the Learning Environment: from Podcasts for the Learning Community, towards the Integration of Podcasts within the Elementary Learning Environment. Proceedings of Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education International Conference 2006 (Chesapeake, VA, 2006), AACE (2006).
10. A.W.P. Fok: Peonto - Integration of Multiple Ontologies for Personalized Learning. Proceedings of the 5th IASTED International Conference on Web-based Education (Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, 2006), ACTA Press (2006).
11. M. Frydenberg: Principles and Pedagogy: the Two P’s of Podcasting in the Information Technology Classroom. Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Conference for Information Systems Educators ISECON 2006 (Dallas, TX, 2006).
12. A. Gnudi, A. Lorenzi, and L. Malvisi: An Evaluation of an Online ICT Course: Student Perception, Support Issues and Lecturer Involvement. Proceedings of the 3rd EDEN Research Workshop (Oldenburg, Germany, 2004)
13. J. Greer, G. McCalla, J. Collins, V. Kumar, P. Meagher, and J. Vassileva: Supporting Peer Help and Collaboration in Distributed Workplace Environments”. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education, 9 (1998).
14. J.D. Herrington: Podcasting Hacks. O’Reilly (2005).
15. P. Honey, and A. Mumford: The Manual of Learning Styles. Peter Honey (1992).
16. M. Lazzari: Podcasting in the Classroom: Involving Students in Creating Podcasted Lessons. Proceedings of HCI Educators 2007 - Creativity3: Experiencing to Educate and Design (Aveiro, Portugal, 2007).
17. D. Malan: Podcasting Computer Science E-1. Proceedings of the 38th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education SIGCSE ’07 (Covington, KY, 2007).
18. P. Ractham, and X. Zhang: Podcasting in Academia: a new Knowledge Management Paradigm within Academic Settings. Proceedings of the 2006 ACM SIGMIS CPR Conference on Computer Personnel Research (Claremont, CA, 2006).
19. A. Strauss, and J. Corbin: Basics of Qualitative Research: Techniques and Procedures for Developing Grounded Theory. Sage (1998).
20. M. Theofanos, B. Stanton, N. Bevan: A Practical Guide to the CIF: Usability Measurements. Interactions, XIII, 6 (2006).
21. T. Wolff: Podcasting made Simple. Proceedings of the 34th ACM SIGUCCS Conference on User Services SIGUCCS ’06 (Edmonton, Canada, 2006).
This is an extended abstract of a paper
presented at the 12th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI 2007),
Beijing, China, 2007:
Marco Lazzari, Alberto Betella,
"Towards guidelines on educational podcasting quality: problems arising from a real world experience",
in M.J. Smith, G. Salvendy (eds.),
Human interfaces, Part II, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4558,
Springer, Berlin, Germany, 2007
© Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 2007.
PDF version of the whole paper
(preprint version) is available here (86 KB).
publisher's PDF version
is available on the web site of Springer.
K.3.1 [Computer uses in education] Collaborative learning, Distance learning
K.3.2 [Computer and information science education] Computer science education
H.5.1 [Multimedia Information Systems] Audio input/output
H.3.4 [Systems and Software] World Wide Web
K.8.1 [Application packages] Freeware/shareware
General Terms
Design, Experimentation, Human Factors.
Podcasting, elearning, distance education, multimedia communication, cooperative learning, Pluriversiradio, Podcast Generator, open source, podcasting quality, quality of podcasting.
Pluriversiradio: the web site and the feed.
Podcast Generator: the installation package (free download).
Marco Lazzari: Podcasting in the Classroom: Involving Students in Creating Podcasted Lessons. Proceedings of HCI Educators 2007 - Creativity3: Experiencing to Educate and Design (Aveiro, Portugal, 2007).